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    Breathe (2009)

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    The Breathe concept was born from the jungles of Costa Rica by Drew Stevenson, former CEO of the Swatch TTR World Snowboard Tour.Breathe is a concept challenging an eclectic group of people to come together, disconnect from the grid for a second, to take a deep breath, think about how humanity is interacting with our planet and take a second to Breathe. It is a platform for Intelligent discussion, focusing on Inclusive solutions, encouraging Active participation in addressing Social and Ecological issues to create greater Awareness.The Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, was chosen for the first Breathe event, ideal for throwing the participants back into a living, breathing biosphere. Breathe features the event and activities during the week while discovering the sustainable projects of international participants.

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    IMDb Wertung:
    0 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Dokumentation
    Co-Produzent: Rene Eckert
    Schauspieler: Rene Eckert  Drew Stevenson 
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