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    A League of Their Own (1992)

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    A League of Their Own
    In a small town in Oregon, farm girls Dottie Hinson (Geena Davis) and Kit Keller (Lori Petty) are sisters who compete with each other, even over the little things. Older, prettier, more settled and married Dottie is the catcher for the local softball team sponsored by Lukash Dairy. Kit is her younger sister, and pitcher on the same team, who feels that she can't measure up to Dottie in her own eyes, or in the eyes of others. With so many young men overseas fighting the Axis, there is a danger that professional baseball will be shut down for the duration of the war. A well-known candy manufacturer, Walter Harvey (Gary Marshall), contrives the idea to create a professional baseball league for women; both the keep the sport alive and to make a buck or two. Dottie is recruited by a scout (John Lovitz) for this new league but refuses to go unless her sister is allowed on the team. On the way to Chicago they also intervene to get an outstanding batter...

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    • Penny Marshall
    • USA
    • ~ 128 min.
    • Komödie
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    7 / 10 :: 36061 Votes
    Genre: Komödie Drama Sport
    Story: Kelly Candaele
    Drehbuch: Babaloo Mandel
    Produzent: Elliot Abbott
    Co-Produzent: Joseph Hartwick
    Executive Producer: Penny Marshall
    BBFC: Parental Guidiance
    MPAA: Parental Guidiance
    Schauspieler: Tom Hanks  Geena Davis  Madonna  Lori Petty  Jon Lovitz  David Strathairn  Garry Marshall  Bill Pullman  82 weitere
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